Event Calendar

This site is of interest to people who are horseback riding, horse back riding, horseback riders, horse riders, equestrian equipment, trucks and trailers for hauling horses. Horse trailers, tack and equipment for riding are important. Equine health supplements and stable supplies, as well as saddlery, leather goods, bridles, english riding clothing are part of equestrian events.

Bucks County Horse Park Oct Schooling Horse Trial

October 29, 2023 - Revere, PA

Dressage only 2023

No. Rider Horse & Owner Q C Score Place
0Brianna Hutchins Fabian
Brianna Hutchins
107 66.563%4
0Rochelle Woodeshick Barney
Rochelle Woodeshick
232 66.143%5
0Ainsleigh Stoveken Cloudy
Ainsleigh Stoveken
0Hope Allen Prince Charming
Hope Allen
112 56.000%8
0Kristen Bueno Captain Pickles
Kristen Bueno
175 67.308%3
0Ainsleigh Stoveken Cloudy
Ainsleigh Stoveken
0Hope Allen Prince Charming
Hope Allen
105 65.313%7
0Kristen Bueno Captain Pickles
Kristen Bueno
116 67.941%1
0Diane Rodich de Oro
Diane Rodi
196 67.586%2
0Margaret DeAngelis Malou Say
Margaret DeAngelis
0Sheree Afflerbach de Oro
Sheree Afflerbach
172 65.962%6

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Check out all the horse show scores and riding times in the equestrian calendar above. Trucks for hauling a horse trailer are needed by equestrian horse riders who attend horse shows with horse tack and supplies, veterinary supplies, riding clothes, saddles and boots and riding helmets.