Event Calendar

This site is of interest to people who are horseback riding, horse back riding, horseback riders, horse riders, equestrian equipment, trucks and trailers for hauling horses. Horse trailers, tack and equipment for riding are important. Equine health supplements and stable supplies, as well as saddlery, leather goods, bridles, english riding clothing are part of equestrian events.

Hagyard Midsouth Three-day Event & Team Challenge

October 14-18, 2020 - Lexington, KY

Training Level Team Competition Results

Team Name Place Score
Ditch, Please 1 97.4
No. Rider Horse D SXC
297 Todd Wulf Kando 28.6 28.6 32.2
295 Jane Papke Robinstown Ballivor 29.5 29.5 29.5
296 Clare Vanderwoude Star Power 38.1 38.1 39.3
294 Julie Bryer Fernhill Dynamic 35.2 39.2 47.2

Team Name Place Score
Slow Motion Pillow Fight 2 101.6
No. Rider Horse D SXC
324 Andrew Mcconnon FE Caspian 27.1 27.1 27.1
325 Caroline Charette Moondance 34.3 38.3 75.5
322 Lauren Snider Mrthreeofive 31.4 35.4 40.2
323 Irene Lampton Gray Moon Rising 37.9 45.9 W

Team Name Place Score
Four Schools Farm 3 102.4
No. Rider Horse D SXC
245 Courtenay Turner Flying Private 31.2 31.2 43.6
243 Michelle Koppin Cooley Ringwood 33.1 33.1 33.1
242 Kathleen Neuhoff Dvm Swiss Mystique 36.9 36.9 38.1
244 Jane Papke Tully Cross Discrete 36.2 44.2 50.2

Team Name Place Score
The Wrong Diagonals 4 103.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
301 Elizabeth Fettig Spanning The Globe 31.7 39.7 39.7
300 Jenny Lackey Dallo De La Galerna 31.9 31.9 32.7
299 Brynna Jovanovich Arthur 38.6 38.6 38.6
298 Heather Lindroth Boom And Bust 34.8 42.8 R

Team Name Place Score
Area VIII Mighty Mustangs 5 107.8
No. Rider Horse D SXC
219 Emma Hilbert Amp'd Up 33.1 33.1 33.1
221 Jordan Riske Match Play Jojo 33.6 33.6 60.4
218 Sophie Coorssen Coolnaboy Rubens 37.1 41.1 41.1
220 Hollyn Renfro Quadrivium 37.6 49.6 91.2

Team Name Place Score
Fingers Crossed 6 110.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
241 Emily Watson Kilcandra Prince Dignified 31.4 31.4 34.2
239 Jana Lyle Heavenly Scf 35.2 35.2 37.6
240 Kaitlyn Tobben Donner Light 41.0 41.0 41.0
238 Christina DeMauro Jude Moon 31.7 39.7 45.3

Team Name Place Score
The Devil Went Down to Hagyard 7 111.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
285 Elena Perea B. E. Isabella 31.2 31.2 32.4
282 Hayley Barbato Whiskey Road 32.9 32.9 33.3
284 Lenora Evans Christian Grey 35.7 39.7 46.5
283 Kathleen Bertuna Excel Star Harry 34.8 34.8 68.4

Team Name Place Score
Area IV Mane Attraction 8 112.6
No. Rider Horse D SXC
304 Jessica Milam Lieutenant Dan 29.1 29.1 29.5
305 Emily Miller Minnesota Nice 39.8 55.4 59.4
302 Lily Callahan Royal Crest's Granite Permission 43.3 43.3 43.3
303 Rachel McIntosh Optical Illusion 35.0 39.0 70.2

Team Name Place Score
Halt. Salute. BREATHE! 9 112.8
No. Rider Horse D SXC
277 Nicole Stewart Bright Prince 35.2 39.2 62.4
275 Jamie McAllister Monbeg Candidate 32.4 32.4 37.6
276 Jessica Shilling Runaway Fantasy 40.0 40.0 40.0
274 Lauren Davis Jazz Company 39.5 42.7 42.7

Team Name Place Score
Sh'aint Right 10 117.1
No. Rider Horse D SXC
273 Claire Tyner Fly High Harvey 31.7 31.7 35.7
272 Rosie Napravnik Sanimo 36.2 40.2 40.2
271 Laura mungioli Highly Suspect 36.0 44.0 45.2
270 Megan Corbett Hillside Bright Future 31.9 57.5 97.5

Team Name Place Score
IEA Raise em up 11 121.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
261 Anne Varns Commemorate Bruce 37.1 45.9 84.7
260 Elliott Timmons Foothill's Field Marshall 36.9 40.9 40.9
258 Scott Owens Summer Knight 41.0 41.0 43.0

Team Name Place Score
Friends of UK 12 121.9
No. Rider Horse D SXC
317 Caroline Dannemiller Fernhill Dreaming 31.7 31.7 72.1
253 Corey Evans Prairie Rose 31.9 31.9 31.9
251 Maggie Hitron This Is Gonna Be Fun 44.3 58.3 58.3
250 Laura Werner Clooney 35.2 48.0 TE

Team Name Place Score
Brownsboro's Boozy Babes 13 125.2
No. Rider Horse D SXC
227 Megan Northrop Harrison 26.0 30.0 30.0
225 Jamie Bigelow Big River 39.3 43.3 43.7
226 Jane Musselman Duke of Diamond 37.9 45.9 55.9
228 Mackenzie Rogers Ready For More 40.5 RF RF

Team Name Place Score
MSEDA Training 14 128.4
No. Rider Horse D SXC
269 Jennifer Reisenbichler Bourbon N' Ice 37.4 49.4 63.0
267 Emily Brooks Fernhill Cubalawn 37.1 37.1 43.9
266 Elissa Gibbs Ineke Dansen 43.1 47.1 47.1
268 Rachel Miles Cooley Nyx 34.5 38.5 76.5

Team Name Place Score
Young Impressions 15 130.7
No. Rider Horse D SXC
321 Lauren Tucker Lopster 30.0 30.0 30.0
319 Lydia Eifler Hans Christian 36.4 44.4 44.4
320 Laura Stepic El Rayito 44.3 56.3 56.3
318 Kingsley Daniel My Kinda Party 41.7 53.3 58.5

Team Name Place Score
Freaky Fast 16 132.1
No. Rider Horse D SXC
249 Kristen Wiley Charlies The Man 39.3 68.9 88.5
248 Erin Rush Bora Bora Bound 33.1 37.1 43.9
247 Cheryl Quick Eagan 42.9 46.9 48.9
246 Kelly Masters Riverrox 36.2 36.2 E

Team Name Place Score
The Area IV YR Masked Bandits 17 132.3
No. Rider Horse D SXC
281 Meredith Payton Manu Forti's Royal Blue 35.5 43.5 61.5
279 Emily Hedberg Quasar 32.1 32.1 36.5
280 Lauren Kersten Patrickswell Royal 46.7 54.7 60.3
278 Michaela Frye Sugar Sam 38.3 46.3 68.3

Team Name Place Score
A8AR Team Gold 18 132.7
No. Rider Horse D SXC
293 Wendy Watson Big Uno 31.4 35.4 35.4
291 Holly Shine Good Man Like Me 35.7 35.7 35.7
290 Paige Liptak The Pack Is Back 41.2 45.2 65.6
292 Taryn Todd JL All American 40.7 48.7 97.1

Team Name Place Score
The Michigan Misfits 19 133.5
No. Rider Horse D SXC
289 Courtney Zachary Snoop Dogg 36.9 52.9 60.9
286 Jenna Denver Zandango 35.7 39.7 40.5
287 Heather Lawson IKO Wrise 34.1 54.1 56.1
288 Ella Spiers Sky's The Limit 36.7 TE TE

Team Name Place Score
Team Have At It 20 135.4
No. Rider Horse D SXC
257 Mary Grace Timmons Say Jas 39.5 43.5 46.3
254 Hannah Bennett Leviathan 36.7 44.7 44.7
255 Maya Candadai Redfield Galwaybay HSH 31.2 31.2 51.2
256 Megan Edwards Kip To the Beat 34.8 R R

Team Name Place Score
A8ARA Training Team Blue 21 140.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
208 Megan Edwards The Immigrant 28.3 28.3 28.3
207 Jennifer Coleman SS Palantir 31.2 35.2 50.0
209 Kathleen Neuhoff Dvm Logan 41.7 45.7 61.7
206 Emily Brooks Lord Darby 32.1 32.1 R

Team Name Place Score
UK Training 1 22 141.8
No. Rider Horse D SXC
231 Lillian Dobat Looks Like Lotte 31.4 31.4 31.4
316 Lexie Samuels GTB Tiger Tooo 36.9 40.9 42.5
230 Claire Gamlin Alohomora 30.7 30.7 67.9

Team Name Place Score
Area VIII Untouchables 23 142.9
No. Rider Horse D SXC
224 Addison Neumeyer Caharron V.E. 28.8 32.8 32.8
222 Kaia Baker Cactus Tom 37.1 45.1 45.1
223 Harper Holland Ima Rain Storm 36.2 36.2 65.0

Team Name Place Score
Jaywalkers 24 172.4
No. Rider Horse D SXC
263 Amanda Buday Van Rushkin 35.0 39.0 39.0
262 Ella Bernardi Roxy 29.3 37.3 42.1
264 Ann Marx Lady Liera 38.1 71.7 91.3
265 Kristen Rozycki Vandalia 33.8 37.8 W

Team Name Place Score
Victrious Secret 25 226.0
No. Rider Horse D SXC
313 Caroline Tatum Financial Empire 38.6 54.6 56.2
311 Helen Heston Heroic Measures 43.3 51.3 82.1
310 Melissa Adamo My Addiction 34.5 38.5 105.3

Team Name Place Score
Fast and Furious VIII's E E
No. Rider Horse D SXC
211 Bethany Randolph Miss Bumblebee 50.5 50.5 50.5
212 Carolyn Randolph Hoagy's Equality 47.9 51.9 51.9
213 Ruth Rosendaul Kaloosh 36.4 36.4 W
210 Zoe Hagedorn Street Cat 41.7 RF RF
Team Name Place Score
The Quarantunies E E
No. Rider Horse D SXC
203 Margaret Kimmel Garfunkel 34.3 34.3 34.3
205 Micki McDaniel Magic Artist 35.2 42.8 44.8
202 Gail Jackson Gudrun 36.4 36.4 E
Team Name Place Score
UK Training 2 E E
No. Rider Horse D SXC
308 Shannon McCall TC Drummer Boy 40.0 44.0 44.0
306 Lillian Dobat Weisser Riese 39.5 43.5 49.9
307 Corey Jarman Hooked on Cooley 34.5 38.5 R
Team Name Place Score
The Spiced Up Southern Scramble E E
No. Rider Horse D SXC
237 Darby Weerstra Exultation 32.1 32.1 32.1
236 Jordan Knight Southern Gentleman 38.6 46.6 46.6
234 Hannah Brandt Philosophical 41.4 41.4 TE
Team Name Place Score
Area IV Organized Chaos E E
No. Rider Horse D SXC
215 Molly Mcbride Storm Chaser 34.3 38.3 46.7
217 Jillian Wisneski Been There Dunn That 40.0 44.0 R
216 Melanie Rousseau Costello 37.1 53.1 RF

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Check out all the horse show scores and riding times in the equestrian calendar above. Trucks for hauling a horse trailer are needed by equestrian horse riders who attend horse shows with horse tack and supplies, veterinary supplies, riding clothes, saddles and boots and riding helmets.